Monday, January 31, 2011

3 Step Skin Care system!

It was always hard for me to find a skin care product that my skin didn't react too! All the inexpensive stuff like clean & clear would make my face break out in a rash or make it really dry.

Personally, I have extremely oily skin, So I break out quite often in the "T" of your face.. The forehead, around the nose, and chin.  Nothing seemed to work to rid of oiliness and acne I was getting!  Then, I discovered Clinique! At first I got three minni' bottles to make sure it worked, and it did! Let me share! :)

Theres three steps to this process..

Step 1: Cleanse - this stage is refreshing, wakes you up!

Step 2: Esfoliate - this stage gives you that tingly feeling, not only does it exfoliate your skin, it also works as a toner which is great for making your makeup stay longer!

Step 3: Moisturize - This is the finishing touch! Makes your skin look so smooth and so youthful!

I'll attach the link for the website, you can choose what type of skin you are and they will match you with what product is best.

I hope this helps! it may be a little bit pricey, but the bottles are huge & it will last a while, and totally worth each penny!

Love & peace
Jer. 29:11

1 comment:

  1. after talking to you, i went and they gave me the mini bottles for free, so we'll see how that goes!
