Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I puked.

Yes, today my trainer pushed me so hard. I puked. It was so nasty.
but - It made me feel like I was accomplishing something, she pushed me to my max.
I did a 90 Second plank, 90 SECONDS! Last week I could only do 10 seconds, Let me tell you though, I was screaming, and my body was shaking, but I did it!!

She also has me eating 7 times a day.. So right now im sitting hear eating my bowl of grapes.. I didn't realize How IMPORTANT it was.  That people who go on a crappy diet like eating 1 meal a day and then a shake and just drinking lots of water, they arn't going to lose any weight!! You need to EAT so the GOOD fats replace the BAD fats.

I have to work tonight, so I won't be going to the gym - But I'm sure to do a work out video!  I realized today how hard I'm going to have to push to reach my goal, that I can't slack a day.  It's all about dedication and perserverance.  It's a  lifestyle change!


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