Wednesday, February 2, 2011

saying goodbye to my comfort ( aka junk ) food!

So - First of all ...

Why does the most unhealthiest food, taste the Best?  How is that fair? I don't understand!  It's been really hard to eat healthy.. I won't lie.  Saying 'no' seems to be so easy.. But, not when its right in front of you

Good things its just me & my mom in the house! We went through our cupboards/drawers/fridge, got rid of all junk food and I headed to the grocery store to get some healthy foods!

I've decided to take PORK out of my diet, which is, so sad because I love me some bacon.. I just researched how horrible it was for you, needless to say.. Goodbye pork.

I'm going to be more flexible with my diet foods, espcially fish. I hate fish - But its so healthy for me, so if it fills my tummy, Then I'll be okay!

I know this is so cliche, but make sure you check labels! Sugar is huge. Stay away from the sugars!

I hope You all can keep me accountable  ( & I'll do the same for you! ) to keep eating healthy!
I'll let you know when I mess up

love & peace


  1. Yes, staying away from the junk food is hard! The reason we go for it is because the fats and sugars in them get us addicted to it and it keeps calling us. The more you cut bad sugars and bad fat the less you will crave them!

    I say bad sugars because fruits and veg have sugars, but they are healthy sugars. It's all the added sugars in boxed food, processed foods, and drinks! And you do need some fat in your diet, but you need the good fats from nuts and good oils and stuff like that.

    I know that when I eat some junk food one day I want to eat it all day! It's still hard to stay away from.

    Good job to you and your Mom for clearing out the cupboards. That's the first step!

    Really, it's all about a healthy life style. I find it very hard to stick to a meal plan or a "diet" so I just try to eat healthy and if I eat something I shouldn't, I'm learning not to beat myself up over it. That's key, because we know that we have a God who loves us for who we are we need to be confident in Christ and find our worth in Him.

    Anyways, this is a really long comment, so I will leave it at this!

  2. oh wait...Pork...
    yeah, not good for doesn't go well with me. Actually pork and red meat don't settle well with me so I have given them up. I do like bacon too...but there is turkey bacon wich is not that bad. Not quite the same at first, but I prefer it now.
